Is It the Flu, a Cold, or Allergies?

Cooler weather is arriving. As windows and patio doors are closed and sealed to prevent drafts during the winter, airtight homes often pose issues with dust, dander, and germs. Your parents end up feeling poorly, but they can’t tell if it’s allergies, a cold, or the flu. What are the differences and when should you worry? 



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Elderly Care Pasadena, CA: Flu, Cold, and Allergies

Allergies occur when the body’s response to an allergen triggers inflammation. Nasal congestion and a runny nose are common symptoms. Sneezing is also common. Some people also experience a sore throat, often due to postnasal drip, and a cough.  

When you have allergies, you may feel more tired than usual. It may progress to a sinus infection, ear infection, or asthma. Over-the-counter allergy medications and air purifier use can help ease the symptoms. 


A Cold 

A cold is a virus that causes fatigue, a stuffy and runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, and cough. It’s spread from one person to another, so your parents can lower the risk by washing hands often and avoiding others who have a cold. 

Usually, a cold will go away after a few days. Your parents can help their body heal by drinking plenty of fluids, resting as much as the body seems to need, and taking cold medications that ease the congestion, cough, and sore throat. 


The Flu 

The flu is also a virus. It may start like a cold, but it quickly escalates. A severe cough, headache, and fever are three symptoms that most people experience. Feeling extremely tired is also common. Chest discomfort and body aches/pains are also common. 

Medications like Tylenol or Advil are needed to lower the fever and help with the pain. Drinking lots of fluids and getting lots of rest is important. If your parents find it hard to breathe, call a doctor. It’s easy for the flu to progress into pneumonia. The sooner your parents see a doctor, the better the risk of avoiding serious complications. 

Your parents can lower the risk of the flu by getting a yearly flu shot. If they suspect someone has the flu, they should avoid that person and not allow that person to come near them. They should also wash hands often when they’re in stores or other public places. 


Bring in Professionals to Help Them 

A mild cold may not keep your parents from their usual routines, but it’s still important that they take care of themselves and avoid overexerting themselves. If they’re tiring easily and don’t feel up to cooking dinner or getting the housework done, consider hiring temporary elderly care services to help out.  

They can focus on getting enough rest as their body fights the virus or allergy symptoms. The caregiver can get the house clean, dusted, sanitized, and organized. Meal preparation, laundry, scheduling, and transportation services all help your parents recover from a virus or allergy in the winter months. Call an elderly care agency to make arrangements. 


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elderly Care in Pasadena, CA please contact the caring staff at Nu Care Inc. today at. 800-505-6890