Home care can help aging seniors with nutrition education and assistance.
As seniors get older, their health becomes even more important to protect. Staying properly nourished is one of the best ways to help seniors maintain their strength and avoid becoming frail. Frailty occurs when seniors lose strength, endurance, and normal function. Help from home care services can do a lot to ensure that seniors get the nutrition they need to stay healthy.
Understanding Frailty in Seniors
Lots of people view frailty as a normal part of aging. But the reality is that there are plenty of seniors who never become frail at all. Frailty is complicated, and there are many contributing factors, like reduced physical activity and chronic health conditions. One of the fastest ways seniors are likely to become frail is through a lack of nutrition and help from home care providers. When seniors become frail, they tend to lose weight, become fatigued easily, and are at a much higher risk of falling and sustaining a fracture.
What Is Balanced Nutrition?
People talk about balanced nutrition, but what does that really mean? The simple answer is that balanced nutrition includes a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of foods that are full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Most people think about these nutrients in terms of macronutrients, like protein, carbohydrates, and fats. For a truly balanced diet, seniors should include:
- Lean proteins
- Fruits and vegetables
- Healthy fats
- Whole grains
Their doctors can give them a detailed diet recommendations based on their specific health needs. Home care providers can talk with seniors about what types of fruits, vegetables, and proteins they like and then make meals and snacks that incorporate those foods in a healthy way.
Hydration Matters, Too
Plenty of fluids are also part of a balanced diet. Seniors who don’t get enough water every day are also at risk of developing health issues, and dehydration can contribute to frailty. Dehydration can also contribute to confusion, make heat-related illnesses worse, and negatively affect blood pressure. Eating hydrating foods and drinking more water with the help of home care providers are simple ways to boost hydration.
Dietary Changes Due to Health Conditions
When seniors are battling chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis, their doctors might recommend that they change their diets. Eating more anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce arthritis pain, for instance, and eating fewer processed foods can help people with diabetes keep their glucose levels under better control.
These changes can be difficult for seniors to make on their own, especially when daily tasks are already challenging. Home care providers can make it easier for seniors by helping with meal planning and preparing food so that they can focus on eating right.
Encouraging Meals and Snacks
One problem seniors can run into, especially if they’re already at risk of developing frailty, is that they might skip meals and snacks. They may not feel hungry due to appetite changes, or they may simply find it too difficult to keep up with cooking. Home care providers can take over those tasks for seniors, encouraging them to eat even just a little at meal and snack times.
Avoiding health issues like frailty isn’t always as simple as eating a few meals and snacks. But if seniors aren’t getting the nutrition they need, the easy answer is to figure out how to help them eat properly. Home care providers can often find the right solution, encouraging seniors to keep eating healthy foods and getting the nutrients they need.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Altadena, CA, please contact the caring staff at Nu Care Inc. today at. 800-505-6890