How Can You Help Your Elderly Loved One Deal with Their Fears?

It is very common for everyone to have at least one thing they are fearful of. When it comes to senior citizens, they might have more wisdom after all their years here on this Earth. However, that doesn’t exclude them from having fears. Learn here today about the most common fears many senior citizens have. If your elderly loved one has these fears, find out how you and their elder care providers can help them.  

Losing Their Independence

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Elder Care La Crescenta, CA: Seniors and Fears

Senior citizens have gone practically their whole life taking care of themselves. It is normal to be scared of losing one’s independence. Your elderly loved one probably wants to keep living at home, doing things on their own, and they might not want to ask for help. It is important to speak to your elderly loved one. Listen to what they have to say and let them know that you understand. Explain to them that you want to help them keep their independence and help them to do that. Having this understanding might make your loved one feel a little better.  

Forgetting Them 

Your elderly loved one might be scared that you and others will forget about them. As people get older, sometimes others don’t visit them as often. Talk to your elderly loved one about this. Let them know that you will visit them regularly. If it isn’t possible to visit them for any reason, let your loved one know that you will video call with them or make regular phone calls.  

Financial Issues 

Many elderly people are scared that they will experience financial issues. They may have worked hard for many years to get good savings built up. However, once they are retired and start dipping into those savings, at some point their money is going to be gone. Talk to your elderly loved one about this fear. Let them know that there are government assistance programs they might qualify for if they are struggling. Your elderly loved one doesn’t have to be deal with this on their own.  


There are numerous things that elderly people are often fearful of. Your elderly loved one is going to have their own fears. Talk to them to find out what they are scared of. Be there to listen to them and empathize with what they are going through. While you can’t necessarily take your elderly loved one’s fears away, you and their elder care providers can be there to help your loved one get through them.  


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in La Crescenta, CA please contact the caring staff at Nu Care Inc. today at. 800-505-6890 

