Four Tips for Timely Bathroom Visits

Getting to the bathroom when your senior needs to go might be a little more difficult now than it used to be. This is especially true if your senior is facing issues with mobility or with cognitive changes. Here are some ideas that can help. 

Set up a Routine for the Day

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Home Care Sherman Oaks, CA: Timely Bathroom Visits

Schedules can sometimes feel restrictive, but they also serve a purpose. When your elderly family member has a solid routine that both of you can rely on, then you’re covering all the basics. One of the basics to include in her daily routine are regular bathroom stops. You may want to consider including a bathroom visit every couple of hours at first, and then modify the timing as your senior needs. Even if she doesn’t need to go every time, you’re still helping her to empty her bladder on a regular basis. 

Look at Whether Her Clothes Are an Obstacle 

One issue, particularly if your senior is going to the bathroom on her own most often, could be her clothing. If her clothes are getting in the way, she may have an accident before she is able to actually use the facilities. Choosing clothing that has simple or no fasteners can be really helpful. This also helps if you’re the one assisting her in the bathroom, because neither of you need to be fumbling if she’s in a hurry. 

Make the Bathroom and the Toilet Obvious  

Cognitive changes can make some tasks difficult, even if your elderly family member has lived in her home for decades. It’s a good idea to make the bathroom and the toilet itself as obvious as possible. You can use signs to point the way to each bathroom and make sure you clear the pathway to the bathroom. If there are any obstacles at all, that can be a problem. 

Pay Attention to Cues from Your Senior 

Your elderly family member will give you cues, if you know what to look for. This is especially important if she no longer communicates with you the way that she did in the past. Some of the easiest ones might be pulling at her clothing, pacing around the room, or doing some sort of hop or wiggle that indicates that she needs to go. Other signs could be more obscure, so it can help to work with home care providers on recognizing what’s going on. 

Accidents are going to happen, but if you and your aging family member are trying everything you can to reduce bathroom angst and get her there “on time,” then you’re going to both be able to relax a little bit more. 


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care in Sherman Oaks, CA please contact the caring staff at Nu Care Inc. today at. 800-505-6890